Friday, January 23, 2009

Anyone who took or is taking LASIX (furosemide) - please inform me.?

furosemide review

I have much edema in my legs after a severe trauma & surgery on my tibia to repair. I also have left ventricle heart dysfunction. I might consider to try LASIX to expel excessive water from my tissues. But I fear the dangerous side-effects. I read that Kidney functions can get deranged, frequent testing is needed, and that one must take potassium chloride if taking Lasix. I don't believe that any MDs will divulge the frightful toxicity of this drug. They will prescribe it for me - but I fear what it may do. I reviewed the info on it and it is deadly toxic. I have a clean body with no Rx drugs in my system. I just don't want to get sicker than I am.already.

So please- if you are on Lasix or were on it - inform me what really happened and your side-effects and how well did it eliminate tissue edema? did it make you sick? What is your warning to me.??

I always use natural herbs, and avoid chemical Rx drugs for all my life. Thank you for answering. Please help.


Tuesday, January 20, 2009

I have Severe refractory edema from CHF, after MASSIVE MI. I need some input.?

I have ejection fraction 50% - auto accident provoked massive MI with huge scarring in all walls. I have normal lipids, kidney, liver, blood chemistries. but I am in agony from swollen legs and swollen abdomen & liver. Edema did not respond at all to LASIX, torsemide. HCTZ. No diuretic effects.whatever.
I was advised to try Metalazone, a powerful diuretic of another class. I visited an MD today and he insisted , "Oh try the torsemide another 2 weeks, then I'll consider giving you asmall dose of Metalazone, I reminded him that I tried torsemide 2 weeks already, no results & I'm badly swelling with water. He insisted that it was early to try Matalazone, & it was too powerful &he worried for my safety.But he admitted that I was critically swollen with edema from CHF - yet denied me any Rx for this alternate diuretic. I'm in agony from pain in my body and can't bend my legs to step anymore. Someone please advise me. He smirked at me and said " don't go on the Internet so much"
SOME GUY- I never said you were responsible for my fate. Several MDs kindly replied to me on this site and suggested this diuretic to try, which might work when furosemide & torosemide fail. I only want to help myself. this Dr wants to drag it out although he admits I'm very critically swollen. I have a non-curable illness, it will persist to the death, no definite resolution possible except a new heart. My EF is not considered bad but I'm in danger from massive swelling and my pain & restricted movement, speech, & breathing. so you - SOMEGUY - try to have heart within you and know that it could be you someday. Meantime, I accept my fate in the Lord's hands. I will surrender with joy rather than live with a terminal illness. I will not die in a hospital, but at home with my prayers and devotions.
